"Gentlemen," said Athos. " We have been in the bastion a full hour and we have won our bet. But we cannot go until D'Artagnan has told us his idea."
"My idea," said D'Artagnan, "is to go to England and warn Buckingham. I have been there once and he has much to thank me for over the affair of the Queen's diamonds."
"No, you cannot do that, D'Artagnan," said Athos. "When you went before we were not at war with England. Now we are and he is our enemy. Your visit to him would amount to treason."
Before long the conversation was again interrupted by the sound of the general alarm in the city.
"It seems as though they are going to send a whole regiment against us," said Athos. " Let them come. It is a quarter of an hour's march from the city and in that time we can surely think out some plan. If we leave here we shall never find another place so suitable. Ah! Wait a moment, I have an idea."
"Grimaud," he called. He pointed in turn first to the dead bodies of the soldiers in the bastion, then to the walls and after to their hats and muskets.
"Oh, the great man!" cried D'Artagnan. "Now I understand."
"You understand?" said Porthos.
"Do you understand, Grimaud?" said Aramis.
Grimaud, however, was already at work.
"And now for my idea," said Athos. "This Milady, this creature, this wicked woman, has a brother-in-law, has she not, D'Artagnan?"
"Yes, I know him very well. I also know that his affection for his sister-in-law is not very warm."
"If he hated her, it would be better," replied Athos.
"And yet," said Porthos, "I would like to know what Grimaud is doing."
"Listen, Porthos," said Aramis.
"What is this brother-in-law's name?" said Athos.
"Lord Winter."
"Where is he now?"
"He returned to England at the first sign of war."
"Well, let us warn him of her visit and her object. Surely he will be able to find some place where she can be imprisoned and then we shall be in peace."
"Although we cannot leave camp to go to England," said Porthos, "our men may."
"Of course they may," said Aramis. "Let us write our letter, supply our messenger with sufficient money, and he can start to-day."
"Money?" asked Athos. "Have you any?"
The four looked at each other with clouded faces, knowing that all four together could not find sufficient money for the journey.
"Look out!" cried D'Artagnan, springing to his feet. "Did you speak of a regiment, Athos? Why there is an army approaching."
"Upon my word! You're right," said Athos. "Grimaud, have you finished?"
Grimaud pointed to the dozen bodies which he had set up against the wall. Some carried muskets, others seemed to be taking aim, and the rest had swords in their hands.
"Bravo!" cried Athos. "That does honour to your imagination, Grimaud."
"That is all very well," said Porthos, "but I should like to understand."
"Let us get away from here and you will understand afterwards."
Grimaud had already started off with the breakfast basket. The four friends then left, but just as they were outside Athos stopped.
"Have you forgotten anything?" asked Aramis.
"The flag! We must not leave a flag in the enemy's hands even if it was only a table-napkin."
He ran back into the bastion, climbed up to the top and took down the napkin. By this time the enemy were within musket range. So, seeing a man foolishly expose himself to them, they fired at him.
Athos was untouched. He seemed to bear a charmed life. Nevertheless three balls passed through the napkin making it now really a flag.
Climbing down, Athos rejoined his friends who had calmly waited for him. They turned their backs on the bastion and made for the camp at a slow pace.
A moment later they heard continuous rapid firing.
"What's that?" cried Porthos. "What are they firing at now? No shots are coming this way and I cannot see anybody."
"They are firing at the dead soldiers in the bastion," said Athos.
"But the dead cannot fire back."
"Of course not. But by the time the army has discovered the trick, we shall be safely out of range of their muskets. That is the reason why we need not run and catch cold."
"Ah," said astonished Porthos, "now I understand."
"At last," said Athos, with a slow shake of his head.
Soon, however, shots began to be fired at the four adventurers, now that the enemy had taken possession of the bastion.
"Upon my word!" said Athos. "They are poor soldiers. I wonder how many we have killed, a dozen?"
"Or fifteen."
"How many did we crush under the wall?"
"Eight or ten."
"And in exchange we have not received a scratch. But what is the matter with your hand, D'Artagnan? It seems to be bleeding."
"Oh, it is nothing," said D'Artagnan. "My fingers were caught between two stones, that of the wall and that of my ring. The skin is broken. That is all."
"That's what comes of wearing diamonds, my young friend," said Athos.
"Why, of course, there is the diamond," cried Porthos. "Why should we trouble ourselves about money when we have a diamond."
"Well thought of, Porthos," said Athos. "This time you have an idea."
"Certainly," said Porthos, very happy to hear Athos's compliment. "As there is a diamond let us sell it."
"But," said D'Artagnan, "it is the diamond the Queen gave me."
"That is a stronger reason why it should be sold," said Athos. "Are we not going to save the Queen's friend, the Duke of Buckingham? What do you think, Aramis? Porthos has already given his opinion."
"As the ring was not received as a sign of friendship but simply as a reward for valuable services, I see no reason why he should not sell it," replied Aramis in his low, gentle voice.
"My dear Aramis," said Athos, "you speak like a future monk. Your advice is?"
"Sell the diamond," replied Aramis.
"Very well, then," said D'Artagnan, " let us sell the diamond."
"Now, gentlemen," said Athos, "we are almost at the camp. Not a word about our business."